Privacy Policy

Cavos Products we are a family manufacturing organisation, we have been well established since 1985, we are committed to help build trust and provide exceptional service. We respect your privacy and your personal information by managing it in a professional manner.

What personal information do we collect for the company?

Technology and communication is used to help collect your personal information and providing your personal information to us we collect for all specific reason. All personal information you provide to us we can also vary depending on the relationship you have with us, it could just be by making an enquire as a customer, wholesaler, distributer, supplier, etc. Any specific purposes for collecting your personal information, we will handle it in accordance to abide by the Privacy Policy and you are you are willing to provide us with the correct information to us for the purpose of the business for example if you are enquiring about our products and thinking of purchasing, we will ask for the following details. If you are a supplier, we will need further information about the goods and services supplied by you. An employee we will want you to provide all of your current and previous employment details for example a curriculum vitae.

  • Customer - your name, postal address, email address, contact number
  • Supplier - your, name, email address, contact telephone number business records, billing information about goods and service supplied by you
  • Employee - your name, postal address, email address, contact number, gender, age, employment history, resume, medical history, qualifications, payment details

What is the purpose for collecting your personal information?

The purpose for collecting your personal information is to help the organisation stay updated, to provide the correct services and allow us more efficiency for reasonable and constructive feedback. Could be for promotional and marketing services or keeping up to date with communication. You can subscribe or unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive them.

If you do not wish to provide your personal information for any reason, we will respect your decision

Who will see or share your personal information?

We may share your personal information with other organisations in Australia. We may disclose to third parties depending on the different circumstances. In the Privacy Act It is required law or court or tribunal. Where you consent to us your personal information could be simply by written to us by email, face to face, or implied from your conduct.

You want to update request or access your personal information?

Absolutely if you want to review, update or simply delete your personal information we will take reasonable steps to ensure its fulfilled. We can refuse you to allow access to your personal information for legal reasons. We will provide you recorded and written details accordingly. If you are unsatisfied, you have the available option to forward a complaint about the refusal.

How do we protect your personal information?

Security and protection is one of our top priorities in the business we will take appropriate measures to ensure our sites and other sites we are linked with are protected. Any online links in email messages that were sent by you that may contain other emails or service links that happens over the internet cannot be 100% safe and secure. When your personal information is being shared it is at your own risk, we will not be held liable for the

privacy practices that operate with those other online services and providing links we do not approve, if your personal information gets intercepted or transmitted or in private conversations where an error may occur.

In respect with the Privacy Policy will be applied to our online services.

Will you be notified when the privacy policy changes?

We do have the right to reserve at its discretion to update, add or remove the privacy policy to suit what's is best for us as an organisation. If we decide to make changes to the Privacy Policy we will do so accordingly and accept and confirm when using the Cavos Products website. The date this Privacy Policy will be at the bottom of the page.

If you have any further information regarding our Privacy Policy and your personal information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cavos Products contact information
Phone: (02) 9796 3460

Privacy Policy Information

For more information regarding the Privacy Policy regarding any issues and protecting your personal information.